Chemical solutions and innovations help build a carbon-neutral world

Global warming is one of the biggest crises in the world. The Paris Climate Agreement, which has been jointly agreed by several countries, aims to limit the increase in the global average temperature to 1.5°C. Finland's goal is to be carbon neutral by 2035. This target means that the state will only emit as much CO2 as it can absorb from the atmosphere. We need to involve businesses in this work.

The chemical industry has seized the challenge and is striving for carbon neutrality in Finland. After all, climate change cannot be solved without chemistry. Chemistry is a constantly evolving natural science, which offers solutions that are of great importance for the development now and in the future. We must pay attention to our role in preserving biodiversity.

The carbon footprint and handprint are changing the world

Chemical companies are working towards carbon neutrality, both by reducing the carbon footprint and by increasing the carbon handprint. What does this mean? When a company reduces its carbon footprint, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions from its operations. When a company increases its carbon handprint, it delivers to its customers products, processes, services or solutions that reduce the customer's emissions.

Responsible Care—a trendsetter in responsibility

In the chemical industry, sustainability is the starting point. The industry has implemented an international responsibility programme, Responsible Care. Through this programme, responsibility work has been carried out in Finnish chemical companies for almost 30 years.

The Responsible Care programme has significantly improved the energy efficiency of companies, improved occupational safety and well-being, promoted the circular economy and reduced greenhouse gas emissions in the chemical industry. Read more about the results of the Responsible Care programme here.


To build a carbon-neutral world, we desperately need three things:

  • zero-emission electricity
  • investment in innovation
  • versatile experts

Sustainable business

Building sustainable well-being is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. It is estimated that, as the world's population grows, humanity will need 50% more food, 45% more energy and 30% more clean water by 2030. The circular economy, i.e., an economy in which materials are kept in use for as long as possible, provides opportunities for decoupling economic growth from the growth in the use of natural resources. Chemical industry solutions and innovations play a key role in the development of the circular economy. And because the chemical industry is involved in almost all commodity production networks in one way or another, chemical innovations also accelerate the renewal of other sectors.

In the chemical industry we believe that a successful business requires a sustainable approach and an operating model that promotes a carbon-neutral future.


The chemical industry needs all kinds of solutions for a sustainable future. In particular, hard sciences such as mathematics, natural sciences and technology open up an entire world to people who study them. They allow for a wide range of career opportunities and provide the keys to a more sustainable future. Although a carbon-neutral future is imposed by necessity, it is also a great opportunity. Finland has excellent opportunities to create advanced solutions and products that will help solve the challenges posed by climate change. Welcome to the team of problem solvers! Read more about studies and jobs that change the world here.



To build a carbon-neutral world, we desperately need three things:

  • zero-emission electricity
  • investment in innovation
  • versatile experts

Sustainable business

Building sustainable well-being is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. It is estimated that, as the world's population grows, humanity will need 50% more food, 45% more energy and 30% more clean water by 2030. The circular economy, i.e., an economy in which materials are kept in use for as long as possible, provides opportunities for decoupling economic growth from the growth in the use of natural resources. Chemical industry solutions and innovations play a key role in the development of the circular economy. And because the chemical industry is involved in almost all commodity production networks in one way or another, chemical innovations also accelerate the renewal of other sectors.

In the chemical industry we believe that a successful business requires a sustainable approach and an operating model that promotes a carbon-neutral future.


The chemical industry needs all kinds of solutions for a sustainable future. In particular, hard sciences such as mathematics, natural sciences and technology open up an entire world to people who study them. They allow for a wide range of career opportunities and provide the keys to a more sustainable future. Although a carbon-neutral future is imposed by necessity, it is also a great opportunity. Finland has excellent opportunities to create advanced solutions and products that will help solve the challenges posed by climate change. Welcome to the team of problem solvers! Read more about studies and jobs that change the world here.